Buy the Book Here!
Pathway to a Profession
Chiropractic in Australia
from Sydney College of Chiropractic to Macquarie University
Commemorative Hardcover Copy
(Limited Edition $155 free postage in Australia)
E-Book ($49.99 AUD)
What to expect in the book!
A narrative that illustrates the influence of the Sydney College of Chiropractic education in the process of establishing and recognising the profession of Chiropractic and Osteopathy in Australia
Insight into government enquires regarding Chiropractic legislation
Multiple photographic illustrations of each graduating year from 1964 - 2021
Many heartfelt and colourful reflections by multiple graduates
A must for any Macquarie Chiropractic graduate to learn and appreciate their Australian Chiropractic heritage!
"Not to know what happened before you were born, is to be forever a child." - Marcus Tullius Cicero